

ScalaMatsuri slide list (English Entry) #ScalaMatsuri

I’m collecting ScalaMatsuri 2017 ’s slides in this entry.


Day 1

time Room A Room B Room C
10:00-10:40 Readable Scala The road towards Scala.js 1.0.0 StreamDataProcessing 101
11:00-11:15 Kotlin for Scala Programmers Scala Warrior and type-safe web development with Scala.js How to launch a service using Scala
11:25-11:40 Reducing Boilerplate and Combining Effects: A Monad Transformer Example
11:50-12:05 Deadly Code! (seriously) Blocking & Hyper Context Switching Pattern Coding up your first game in Scala Native Preparing for distributed system failures using Akka
12:15-12:30 Performance tips accumulated from developing an ad distribution system
13:30-14:10 The state of Dotty, the next-generation Scala compiler Survival guide for the Streaming world Scala and Play for game servers
14:30-15:10 Make your programs Free. Eye-opener to the very essence of Functional Programming Implementing DMM API Gateway in Akka Streams and HTTP The state of sbt 0.13.x, sbt server, and sbt 1.0
15:30-16:10 Meta-program and/or shapeless all the things! Reactive Kafka with Akka Streams Introduction to ScalikeJDBC
16:30-17:10 Monolith to Reactive - it’s all about architecture 7 key recipes for Data Engineering in Scala and Spark Let’s Build a Serverless Architecture in Scala!
17:30-18:10 Falcon: ChatWork’s Scala product - its history of failures and successes Pragmatic Eff monad for micro-services Using Deep Learning for Recommendation